There are many underlying causes of Sleep Disordered Breathing. The most common of these are chronic mouth breathing, poor diet and nutrition, obesity and poor development of the jaws. Additionally, orthodontics with extractions can exacerbate breathing issues.
The Myosa® range includes sleep appliances suitable for a wide spectrum of people and includes appliances to suit patients from as young as two-years-old through to adults as well as specialty appliances for jaw joint (TMJ) disorder and teeth grinding associated with SDB.
In addition to having a negative impact on mood, energy levels, ability to regulate stress, behavioral problems and emotional well being, severe sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, have been associated with the causes of life shortening events such as heart disease or stroke.
Rather than just focus on alleviating the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB), the philosophy behind the Myosa® myofunctional sleep appliance range is aimed at treating the upper airway and neuromuscular dysfunction that are the fundamental causes of SDB. The Myosa® range functions by posturing the lower jaw slightly forward, correcting tongue position and opening the bite, which opens the airway, regulates breathing and helps the wearer to have a good night sleep.
The Myosa® range includes sleep appliances suitable for a wide spectrum of people and includes appliances to suit children as young as two-years-old through to adults as well as specialty appliances for jaw joint (TMJ) disorder and teeth grinding, which are also associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing.
For Snorers
Snoring occurs when airflow through the mouth is obstructed during sleep. When in place the Myosa® for Snorers will open the airway and control over-breathing through the mouth.
For Juniors & Kids
It has become apparent the causes of SDB develop during early childhood. Rather than allow this airway dysfunction to persist into adulthood the Myosa® for Juniors and Kids corrects it early.
For TMJ & Grinding
The Myosa® for TMJ range is comprised of a series of soft, flexible appliances specifically designed to assist in diagnosis and provide sufferers with relief from the symptoms of jaw joint (TMJ) disorder.
My 6 year old asthmatic son was often waking up tired, grumpy and sneezing. As a concerned mother I decided to do some research online and found that significant information proved poor diet and nutrition along with mouth breathing were the major contributors to my son's health issues. After some more searching I found a doctor who offered treatment for sleep disorder breathing in children using a system called myOSA®. The results, in just months, have been simply amazing. My son is much happier now.
Wearing the Myosa appliance helps me get a full night's sleep and perform to my peak ability.
Since childhood I have suffered from allergies and sinus realted issues which affected my sleep and more recently my partners' sleep. I was a snorer and while, like many of us, I denied it was a problem, as you would expect interrupted sleep on a regualr basis had a huge impact on my everyday life. I didn't realise just how how much until I started using the myOSA for snorers™ appliance. It's was so simple and convenient to use and the results were immediate. What a difference! My wife is thankful that now we can both get a good night sleep.