
For Practitioners

Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner alcatra picanha chuck ham ham hock jowl landjaeger. Fatback jowl ham, frankfurter cupim chuck doner cow. Tail drumstick alcatra kevin shank jowl pork chop fatback sirloin swine. Shank bresaola prosciutto, shoulder sirloin meatloaf short loin capicola jerky chicken pork belly doner.


Your Next Step

Once you have a basic understanding of Sleep Disordered Breathing and the Myosa® system your next step is to determine which appliance group best suits your needs. If you have further questions visit the FAQ page or submit a question below. Once you have determined which appliance best suits your requirements you can contact Myosa® to enquire about purchasing your myofunctional sleep solution.

Who is Myosa® for?

Myosa® is suitable for a wide range of people and includes appliances to suit patients from two-years-old through to adults as well as appliances for jaw joint (TMJ) disorder and teeth grinding.

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More Questions?

Do you have a question regarding Sleep Disorder Breathing or the Myosa® myofunctional sleep appliance range? View our frequently asked questions to find the answers you need.

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How to find Myosa®

Myosa® is currently available from the myOSA® regional offices. For more information or to inquire about purchasing Myosa®, contact your nearest supplier using the details below.

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